Content Category Descriptions
Contemporary Projects embraces original projects driven by artists, designers, or curators, highlighting the diverse, critical forms of knowledge that are directly produced by art and design practices. Projects that make meaningful use of the web, by employing multimedia formats and techniques, are prioritized, but more traditional image-based projects are also published.
Texts + Documents includes scholarly essays and other forms of text-based arts and design criticism, including reviews, creative nonfiction, critical memoir, poetry, and short fiction. Authors are encouraged to make meaningful use of the web—for example, by embedding multimedia files and illustrations within their texts.
Conversations includes critical dialogues between artists, designers, historians, critics, and curators, often in the form of an interview or roundtable. Interlocutors are encouraged to make meaningful use of the web—for example, by embedding multimedia files and illustrations within their conversations.
Pedagogies includes a range of critical perspectives on teaching and learning. Educators may share personal strategies; historians may consider histories of art education; and artists may produce pedagogically inspired artworks.
From Art Journal: Every quarter, the editor-in-chief and reviews editor of Art Journal work with the editor-in-chief of AJO to highlight recently published work from Art Journal on AJO’s open-access platform. Multimedia components that supplement Art Journal content are also included in this category.