Winter 2014, Vol. 73, No. 4

Table of Contents


Winter 2014
Winter 2014

Anna C. Chave
Grave Matters: Positioning Carl Andre at Career’s End, 5

Kenneth R. Allan
Marshall McLuhan and the Counterenvironment: “The Medium Is the Massage”, 22

Adair Rounthwaite
In, Around, and Afterthoughts (on Participation): Photography and Agency in Martha Rosler’s Collaboration with Homeward Bound, 46

Antoinette LaFarge
Social Proxies and Real-World Avatars: Impersonation as a Mode of Capitalist Production, 64


Dorota Biczel on Claire F. Fox, Making Art Panamerican: Cultural Policy and the Cold War; Jennifer A. Greenhill on David Cateforis, ed., Rethinking Andrew Wyeth; Michael Schreyach on Alex Potts, Experiments in Modern Realism: World Making, Politics and the Everyday in Postwar European and American Art.