Editor’s Note
Lane Relyea, 5

Peggy Wang, Art Critics as Middlemen: Navigating State and Market in Contemporary Chinese Art, 1980s–1990s, 6
Michael Jay McClure, If It Need Be Termed Surrender: Trisha Donnelly’s Subjunctive Case, 20
Artist’s Project
Moyra Davey, Burn the Diaries, 36
Beth Capper, Ultimate Participation Video: Shirley Clarke’s Tee Pee Video Space Troupe, 46
Catherine Fowler, Obscurity and Stillness: Potentiality in the Moving Image, 64
Deborah Johnson, R(r)ose Sélavy as Man Ray: Reconsidering the Alter Ego of Marcel Duchamp, 80
Maymanah Farhat on Judith K. Brodsky and Ferris Olin, eds., The Fertile Crescent: Gender, Art, and Society, and the exhibition The Fertile Crescent: Gender, Art, and Society, Rutgers University and other venues, New Jersey, 2012–13; Christopher Bennett on Anthony White, Lucio Fontana: Between Utopia and Kitsch; Mary Leclère on Gwen Allen, Artists’ Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art; and Riccardo Venturi on Vilém Flusser, Into the Universe of Technical Images, and Vilém Flusser, Does Writing Have a Future?