A vibrant, roving conversation about the history of feminist art and art making in Mexico
Practicar la Democracia en las Artes en Cuba: Una Conversación con Sandra Ceballos
Una Conversación con Sandra Ceballos
Practicing Democracy in the Arts in Cuba: A Conversation with Sandra Ceballos
A Conversation with Sandra Ceballos
DRC No. 12: A “Migratory” Site of Glocal Specificity
DRC No. 12 is an independent nonprofit art space in Beijing housed within a two-bedroom apartment within the Diplomatic Residence…
Fugitive Utterances in Modernity’s Song
Uri McMillan on challenging the prevailing understanding of a universal aesthetic
Beyond the Neo-Imperial Politicizing of Object Repatriation: Restitution and the Question of Decolonization
Restitution, diplomacy, and cultural reunion
Feminist Interview Project: Kay WalkingStick in Conversation with Elizabeth S. Hawley
The Feminist Interview Project presents an interview with Kay WalkingStick
Silent Voices and Absent Referents
Maia Toteva reviews Misty Gamble in Lubbock, Texas
The Fires
Artist Christopher López looks at the tragedy of gentrification and the Puerto Rican community of Hoboken, New Jersey
“Politics in Matter”: Concrete Expressions in Contemporary Palestinian Art of Resistance
How Palestinian artists in Israel are using concrete to convey struggle, violence, defense, and fear
World-building and Futurity through Collaboration in Caribbean Diasporic Art Practices: A Conversation
Nyugen E. Smith and Nicole Emser discuss collaboration, language, and the importance of diasporic community
The Oppositional Gaze of the Wayward Woman
An artist documents moments of awakening, acceptance, and feminine power.