A walk in Downtown Los Angeles leads to a downloadable image
Author: Ana Iwataki, with original artwork by Susan Silton
Returning to the site/sight:
Histories “Made out of Pictures and Words Just Kept”
Taking responsibility for the collective labor of making and holding memory
Landscapes of Despair: Book Covers and the Visual Culture of the Opioid Crisis
How landscape photography came to represent an epidemic
Encounters with Nature
María Elena González’s deep listening
These Violent Delights: Teaching Images of Sexual Violence in Italian Baroque Art History
The latest installment of the “Hard Lessons” series looks at teaching through a trauma-aware lens
The New Polar Aesthetics of Art and Climate Change: A Conversation with Lisa E. Bloom, Elena Glasberg, and Thyrza Nichols Goodeve
A conversation about climate change, aesthetics, and collaboration
Feminist Interview Project: Cassils in Conversation with Amelia Jones
Amelia Jones and the artist Cassils have a crosstown conversation about influences, practice, and moving beyond language
Art History Beyond Objects
The last in a series on post-pandemic pedagogy.
Environment at War: Capturing Global Conflict in Arab Geographies
How contemporary art reveals the lasting consequences of war
Art and Feminism Unifying Yugoslavia
Amy Bryzgel reviews two new books on the legacy of feminist art practice in the former Yugoslavia
Teaching the Practices of Art History in the Age of Abundance
The second in a series on post-pandemic pedagogy
Belonging without a Home: Hiwa K and Amin Alsaden in Conversation
Amin Alsaden speaks with Hiwa K about conflict, displacement, and the “pre-image”